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SupperWorks Fundraising Campaign

Boulton Ave Childcare Centre is proud to announce our latest fundraising campaign with SupperWorks. When placing an on-line order (for 6, 9 or 12 meals Session or Pick-up) with the Beaches store please enter the code BACC in the Fundraising spot. For every order of 6, 9 or 12 meals SupperWorks will donate $10 to Boulton Ave.

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CHILD CARE CRISIS FINDING ANSWERS Public Forum Sponsor: Peter Tabuns, MPP, Roden Child Care Centre, Councillor Fletcher, Councillor Fragedakis, TDSB Trustees Dandy and Carey-Meagher, the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care.

January 23, 2012 7-9pm Roden School, 151 Hiawatha Rd To facilitate in depth answers and research, please forward any priority questions, in advance, to: tabunsp-co@ndp.on.ca Peter Tabuns, MPP 923 Danforth Ave. 416-461-0223

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Tell City Council our Kids Count!

In January, City Council is being asked to cut student nutrition programs, eliminate dozens of swim and recreation programs, close wading and outdoor pools, shut down 10 arenas during off peak hours, cut childcare and reduce youth outreach services across the City.Our kids count.

They deserve better and they need every opportunity to stay healthy and engaged. The savings represented by these cuts are miniscule as compared to the value of investing in healthy children and healthy communities.

Please sign our petition today and send a message calling on your Councillor to vote against these cuts.

For more information on the locations of the cuts in your neighbourhood, and the campaign to stop them, visit www.kidscounttoronto.ca.