What's Going on up There?
Good news: The playground renovations have finally begun! Here's the scoop from the roof.
First came the caution tape. Then the construction materials appeared in the driveway. And when your little guy excitedly informed you, "We went to the park twice today, Mommy!" you were officially suspicious: "Something is definitely going on up on that roof."
Well, you're right: Something is going on upstairs. Something big, in fact. We're thrilled to announce that the playground renovations are well underway!
Say goodbye to the concrete tiles and wooden decking. The new rooftop play space will feature a single-level rubber surface, complete with a trike track!
To make this dream a reality, we've enlisted the services of Enviro Flex Surfaces, a leader in rubber resurfacing using recycled landfill tires. More than just environmentally friendly, the cushioned surface also provides excellent traction, is bacteria-resistant and reduces injuries from playground falls.
Things are progressing quickly, and we hope to welcome the children back to the roof sometime next week. Stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news on the project and pics of the new space!
Finally, a word of thanks: If it wasn't for the tireless fundraising efforts of our staff, families and the Riverside community at large, this project never would have happened. Thank you all for your continued support! We couldn't have done it without you.
See you on the rooftop!
Fundraising Partner Mabel's Labels on the Today Show
It's no secret: We love Mabel's Labels. Its durable personalized labels help our staff to keep track of the stuff kids are prone to lose—hats, mittens, shoes, you name it. They're also dishwasher-, microwave- and laundry-safe. Better yet, the company partners with non-profits like Boulton on fundraising initiatives. For every purchase you make from Mabel's Labels at the Boulton e-store, the centre receives a 20% commission! Those funds will go a long way in helping the centre achieve its fundraising goals.
That's why we were so excited to see Mabel's Label's co-founder Julie Cole on Today sharing her inspiring story of mompreneurship with Soleil Moon Frye (that's right, Punky Brewster). Watch the entire segment below and don't forget to pick up some Mabel's Labels for your family today!
Boulton Needs Your Help!
Donate your time, talent and/or dollars to help Boulton improve its rooftop playground.
Boulton is rich in many ways—its children, dedicated staff and quality programs—but as a not-for-profit organization, it depends on parent and community support to maintain and improve the centre.
At the top of the 2013 wish list? To upgrade the rooftop playground with a softer, safer play surface. Thanks to last year’s fundraising efforts, we’re just about halfway to our $8,400 goal, but we won't get there without your help.
Lending a hand is easy! Here are some simple ways you can contribute:
- Join the board of directors!
- Attend monthly board meetings!
- Make a donation—be it money, time, talent or goods (e.g. clothing, toys, books)!
- Serve on the fundraising committee!
- Volunteer at our next fundraiser!
- Spread the word about Boulton to your friends, family, neighbours and co-workers!
Ready to help? Send an email to board@boultonchildcare.com and a member or the board will contact you to discuss how you can get involved.
Thank you for helping us make Boulton the best it can be!