Baby, It's Cold Outside!
Winter is in full swing here in Toronto, and it's important that your child is dressed appropriately each day. Here are a few things you can do to ensure that he/she is adequately prepared for the colder temperatures.
Layer up!
Dress your child in layers so that he/she can take off/put on clothes as needed to stay comfortable throughout the day—whether playing inside or out.
Bring extra clothing.
During the winter months, we ask that you keep a snow suit (jacket and pants), hat, scarf, mittens/gloves and winter boots in your child's cubby along with extra clothing (long-sleeved t-shirts, pants, socks, indoor shoes, etc.). Please remember to clean out your child's cubby on Fridays to aid in the weekly clean-up of the centre.
Label everything.
Please label all of your child's clothing. Not only does it help prevent lost items, it also makes for smoother transitions from indoor to outdoor play and vice versa.